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Call for Paper - January – 2025 Edition   


IJATCA solicits original research papers for the January – 2025 Edition.
Last date of manuscript submission is January 30, 2025.


Computational Modeling of Gas-to-Solid Heat Transfer in an Adiabatic, Vertical Pipe

Volume: 1 Issue: 1
Year of Publication: 2019
Pages: (83-88)
Authors: Brundaban Patro, K. Kiran Kumar, D. Jaya Krishna


Gas-solid flows in vertical pipes are found in many industries for heat transfer applications. Some of them are chemical industries, food and process industries, pharmaceutical industries, etc. In the present paper, the two-fluid model (the Eulerian-Eulerian approach) of ANSYS FLUENT 15.0 is used to model the heat transfer in gas-solid flows in an adiabatic, vertical pipe. The variable gas properties with respect to temperature are considered in the current study. The computational results are well validated with the benchmark experimental data. The effect of particle diameter on heat transfer and pressure drop is studied. It is noticed that the gas temperature increases and the solid temperature decreases with increasing the particle diameter. Again, increasing the particle diameter increases the logarithmic mean temperature difference and pressure drop; however, it decreases the average gas-solid Nusselt number.


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gas-solid flows; heat transfer, numerical modeling, logarithmic mean temperature difference.

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