IJATCA solicits original research papers for the January – 2025 Edition.
Last date of manuscript submission is January 30, 2025.
Data mining is the process of extraction of information from various datasets on the basis of different attributes. Mining has to be done to extract hidden relationship between various database entities. On the basis of these entities, different types of decisions are taken for the extraction of different relationships. In the customer relationship management, different relational attributes are available in the dataset. In the paper, To overcome the problems of CRM database a new hybrid algorithm is introduced which is the combination of GA and fuzzy KNN classification.
Balaji Padmanabhan,”Data Mining Overview and Optimization Opportunities” Microsoft Research Report MSR-TR-98-04, January 2013.
Chandra, S “Creation of an Adaptive Classifier to enhance the classification accuracy of existing classification algorithms in the field of Medical Data Mining”, International Conf. of Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIA Com), 2015, pp 376 – 381.
C Namrata Mahender “Text Classification and Classifiers a Survey” International Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Applications (IJAIA), Vol.3, No.2, March 2012.
Ghareb, A.S “Text associative classification approach for mining Arabic data set”, International Conf. on Data Mining and Optimization (DMO), 2012, pp 114 – 120.
Jian Cheng1, 2, 3 and Yongheng Zheng1,“Object-oriented Classification of High-resolution Remotely Sensed Imagery” IPCSIT Vol. 47,pp. no.123,july 2010.
Misra, B.B. G “Simplified Polynomial Neural Network for classification task in data mining”, International Conf. on Evolutionary Computation, 2007, pp 721 – 728.
Mahender. Dalla Mura, A. Villa, J. A. Benediktsson, J.Chanussot, and L. Bruzzone, ―Classification ofhyperspectral images by using extended morphologicalattribute profiles and independent component analysis,”IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Lett., Vol. 8, pp.no 542–546, May 2011.
Mooney,”A survey of association rule mining using genetic algorithm”, International journal of computer application & information Technology Vol.1, IssueII, ISSN: 2278, pp. no.1-8,Auguest 2012.
Maria Vargas Vera “Knowledge Extraction by using an Ontology based Annotation Tool” Knowledge Media Institute (KMi), The Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, United Kingdom.
P.Pooja, J.Jayanthv and S. Koliwad, “Classification of RS data using Decision Tree Approach,” International Journal of Computer Applications,Vol. 23(3), pp. no.7-11, Febuary2011.
Pang Ning Tan, M. Steinbach and V. Kumar, “Introduction to Data Mining” ,Addison Wesley, pp. no.769,June 2005.
Raymond J. Mooney “Mining Knowledge from Text Using Information Extraction” Department of Computer Sciences University of Texas at Austin 1 University Station C0500, Austin, TX 787120233 Volume 7, Issue 1, pp 10, 2010.
Suneetha K.R “Data Preprocessing and Easy Access Retrieval of Data through Data Ware House” Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science, 2009, Vol I, October 20-22, 2009, San Francisco, USA.
S .subbaiah “Extracting Knowledge using Probabilistic Classifier for Text Mining” International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Informatics and Mobile Engineering, February 21-22 2013.
Shambharkar, P.G “Automatic classification of movie trailers using data mining techniques: A review”, International Conf. on Computing, Communication & Automation (ICCCA), 2015, pp 88 – 94.
Usama Fayyad, Gregory Piatestsky-Shapiro Smith, “Knowledge Discovering and Data Mining: towards a Unifying Framework”, In Proc. Of KDD-996, Vol. 2, pp. no.20-30, July.
Vargas, J., Yu, H. and Jiang, X. Privacy preserving SVM classification. Knowledge and Information Systems,Vol.14,pp. no.161-178,September 2007.
Weiguo Fan, Linda Wallace,”Tapping into the Power of Text Mining”, Journal of ACM, Blacksburg, Vol. 1, pp. no. 240-330, September 2005.
Xiaolin Zhang “Research on privacy preserving classification data mining based on random perturbation”, IEEE Conf. on Information Networking and Automation (ICINA), 2010, pp V1-173 - V1-178.
Yu Qiao,HuiPingLiua, MuiBai, XiaoDong Wang, XiaoLuo Zhou, “The decision tree algorithm of urban extraction from multisourceimage data”.Vol. 3, pp. 301-308, June 2005.
CRM,KNN, Genetic algorithm ,mining, k-NN, fuzzy k-NN.
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