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Call for Paper - March – 2025 Edition   


IJATCA solicits original research papers for the March – 2025 Edition.
Last date of manuscript submission is March 30, 2025.


Detection and Mitigation of Gray hole attack over OLSR protocol in MANET using GA and Fuzzy

Volume: 4 Issue: 7
Year of Publication: 2017
Pages: (7-12)
Authors: Gurjinder Kaur, Navpreet Kaur


As we know that MANET is formed by a number of mobile nodes and each node communicate with each other using bandwidth. In MANET batteries carries by each node have limited power, which in turn limiting the applications given by the MANET. Such limitations need the traffic to be evenly distributed among the mobile hosts. Otherwise, the nodes with heavy load can cause congestion, large delay and consume more energy, thus, increasing the cost of the network. In MANET, job completion becomes difficult, when massive load is given to the nodes with less processing capabilities and which do not have any resources to distribute the load. The possibility of imbalance of load is due to that the computing or processing power of the systems is non-uniform. There are situations where some nodes may be idle and some will be overloaded. A node which has high processing power finishes its own work quickly and is estimated to have less or no load at all most of the time. So, in the presence of under-loaded nodes keeps idle, the need for over-loaded nodes is objectionable. There are lots of routing approaches developed for load balancing in mobile ad hoc networks. In the proposed work, optimized Link State routing protocol (OLSR) will be used. It is a proactive link state routing protocol which uses Hello and topology control messages to discover and then deliver information throughout the MANET. The performance of OLSR will be improved by using Genetic algorithm in combination with Fuzzy logic. GA is an optimization technique that will used to improve the performance on the basis of natural selection and biological evolution. After applying these two approaches the code is simulated in MATLAB environment and thus, performance parameters of the MANET like Throughput, delay, energy consumption and Bit error rate will be determined.


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MANET, Optimized Link State routing protocol (OLSR), Genetic algorithm (GA), Fuzzy Logic.

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