IJATCA solicits original research papers for the January – 2025 Edition.
Last date of manuscript submission is January 30, 2025.
If the wars of the 20th century were fight over oil the wars of this century will be fought over water” [The World Bank]. One of the majority necessary, necessities of life is water. A review on ground water showed that ground water constitute only 0.6% of all the water on this earth planet, 97.4% accounts for the sea water and 2% for snow and ice on the poles . Water is a huge product for human beings. The convenience, of ground water depends on various physical features. It had by now shown its reason in domestic, industrial and undeveloped use. The study of ground water continuation had been increased due to increase in inhabitants. So, this paper will survey ground water detection based on evolutionary algorithms with their advantages as well as disadvantages.
Saibal, “Comparative Study of Firefly Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization for Noisy NonLinear Optimization Problems”, I.J. Intelligent Systems and Applications, Vol. 10, pp. 50-57, 2012.
Meghna Babbar , Barbara Minsker, and Hideyuki Takagi, “Interactive Genetic Algorithm Framework for Long Term Groundwater Monitoring Design “, White Paper, 2006.
Kumar D. N. and Reddy M. J, “Ant colony optimization for multi-purpose reservoir operation.\" Water Resources Management, Vol. 20, pp. 879–898, 2006.
V.K Panchal, “A Novel Approach to Integration of Waves of Swarm with Case Based Reasoning To Detect Ground Water Potential”, JTES: Journal of Technology and Engineering Sciences, Vol.2, 2006.
Hajo Broersma “Application of the Firefly Algorithm for Solving theEconomic Emissions Load Dispatch Problem, ”Hindawi Publishing Corporation, International Journal of Combinatorics, Volume 2011.
N. Chai-ead, P. Aungkulanon, and P. Luangpaiboon, Member, IAENG, “Bees and Firefly Algorithms for NoisyNon-Linear Optimization Problems” Inter- national Multiconference of Engineers and Computer Scientists, 2011.
Sh. M. Farahani, A. A. Abshouri, B. Nasiri, and M. R. Meybodi, “A Gaussian Firefly Algorithm”, International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing, Vol. 1, No. December 2011.
WengKee Wong, Nature-Inspired Metaheuristic Algorithms for Generating Optimal Experimental Designs, 2011.
X. S. Yang, “Nature-Inspired Metaheuristic Algorithms”, Luniver Press, 2008.
Christian Blum, Maria Jos´e Blesa Aguilera, Andrea Roli, Michael Sampels, Hybrid Metaheuristics, An Emerging Approach to Optimization, Springer, 2008 .
Sina K. Azad, Saeid K. Azad, Optimum Design of Structures Using an Improved Firefly Algorithm, International Journal of Optimisation in Civil Engineering, Vo.2, pp. 327-340, 2011.
Ground Water Detection, ACO,PSO,GA, Firefly.
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