IJATCA solicits original research papers for the March – 2025 Edition.
Last date of manuscript submission is March 30, 2025.
A Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network consists of the no. of vehicles. One of the major drawback of VANETs is trafficking. There may be some malicious vehicles that enter into the network and destroy the performance of the network. The problem of my research work is to prevent the data packets to move to the nodes that are malicious in the network with the help of bacterial foraging optimization algorithm. If the sender wants to send data to destination it will check its distance from destination. If there is no direct path, then it will find the path from coverage set and after that transmission of data packet is checked. It there is loss in packets then, BFO algorithm is used.
Xiaodong Lin, “Achieving Efficient Cooperative Message Authentication in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks”, IEEE Trans. On Veh. Tech., vol. 62, Sept 2013.
Kevin M. Passino, “Bacterial Foraging Optimization”, International Journal of Swarm Intelligence Research”, March 2010.
C. Zhang, R. Lu, X. Lin, P.-H. Ho, and X. Shen, “An Efficient Identity-Based Batch Verification Scheme for Vehicular Sensor Networks,” Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, Phoenix, AZ, USA, pp. 246–250, Apr. 2008.
Riya Mary Thomas,” Survey of Bacterial Foraging Optimization Algorithm”, International Journal of Science and Modern Engineering (IJISME), March 2013.
J. L. Huang, L. Y. Yeh, and H. Y. Chien, “AKABA: An Anonymous Batch Authenticated and key Agreement Scheme for Value-added services in Vehicular Ad hoc networks,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 60, no. 1, pp. 248–262, Jan. 2011.
X. Sun, X. Lin and P.-H. Ho, “Secure vehicular communications based on group signature and ID-based signature scheme,” in Proc. IEEE ICC, Scotland, pp.37-41, June 2007.
M. Raya and J.-P. Hubaux, “The security of vehicular ad hoc networks,” Workshop on Security in Ad hoc and Sensor Networks, pp.11-21, 2005
Rongxing Lu, Xiaodong Lin, “ECPP: Efficient Conditional Privacy Preservation Protocol for Secure Vehicular Communications”, IEEE INFOCOM, March 2008.
Y. Hao, Y. Cheng, C. Zhou, and W. Song, “A distributed key management framework withcooperative message authentication in VANETs,” IEEE J. Sel. Areas Communication, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 616–629, Mar. 2011.
R. Vijay, “Intelligent Bacterial Foraging Optimization Technique to Economic Load Dispatch Problem”, International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE), May 2012.
SheraliZeadally, Ray Hunt, Yuh-Shyan Chen, “Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETS): status, results, and challenges”, Springer, 2010.
Yiliang Liu, Liangmin Wang, “Message Authentication Using Proxy Vehicles in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks”, IEEE Transactions On Vehicular Technology, 2013.
C. Zhang, X. Lin, R. Lu, and P.-H. Ho, “RAISE: An efficient RSU-aided message authentication scheme in vehicular communication networks,” Proc. IEEE ICC, Beijing, China, pp. 1451–1457, May 2008.
S. Park and C.C.Zou, “Reliable traffic information propagation in vehicular ad-hoc networks,” IEEE Sarnoff Symposium, Apr. 2008.
D. Jiang and L. Delgrossi, “IEEE 802.11p: Towards an International Standard for Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments,” Proc. IEEE VTC, pp.2036-2040, May 2008.
Vehicular Ad Hoc Network, Bacterial Foraging Optimization, Privacy, Message authentication.
IJATCA is fuelled by a highly dispersed and geographically separated team of dynamic volunteers. IJATCA calls volunteers interested to contribute towards the scientific development in the field of Computer Science.